Application loader stuck at the stage of “Verifying assets with the iTunes Store”

I recommend not to cancel.

The process seems to be stuck, but for my part waiting for 10-15 minutes finished with upload success.

Cancelling will most likely result in builds on iTunes Connect that will never finish processing. They will only be removed by iTunes Connect internal auto-cleanup after approx. 15-30 days. The downside is that it is not possible to use any build for that version number for internal testing in iTunes Connect as the indefinitely processing build version is the only one listed to choose from. The only way around is increasing the build number and you can choose it for external testing.

Cancel the process and retry. If the problem persists you might want to do it via Xcode instead of ApplicationLoader. Don't forget to open an issue with Apple to let them know, after restarting AL, your Mac and reinstalling AL to make sure it can't be fixed.

Hope that helps :)

This issue is predominantly on enterprise networks. There are a number of solutions please note that some of these are mere repetition of the above.

1. Make sure no pending contracts are waiting to be signed/accepted

Go to member center and make sure all contracts are signed, pending contracts will be highlighted in a big yellow/red banner at the top of the page

2.Change networks

Get off your enterprise network and tether to your cell phone (slower but works). Your home network should also work if you've not fiddled with your router

3. Get off your proxy

Change or preferably switch off your proxy. If Charles or similar apps are running, switch them off as well.

4. Use the standalone Application Loader app

This is only a walk around as it allows you to toggle the protocols. Removing Signiant & Aspera protocols works for me even in office network.

enter image description here

Application loader can be found under Xcode -> Open Deleveloper Tool -> Application Loader

enter image description here

5. Automate it!

Use FastLane tools, but remember to set ENV["DELIVER_ITMSTRANSPORTER_ADDITIONAL_UPLOAD_PARAMETERS"] = "-t DAV" within your configuration file.

This is a lot more work than the other steps above, but provides a lasting solution. Fastlane is also really cool if you configure it correctly.

6. Cry

Because developers have bad days too. 😢😭😭😭😭😭😭