Application menu support for LibreOffice 3.4.1

The extension mentioned in the other posts only works for x86_64!

So if you have a 32bit Ubuntu, as I do, that won't work for you.

I found a way to make it work, tough. Certainly, it's not the most elegant way, since I have no idea how to create a Libreoffice extension from source.

You can download the modified extension for 32bit here: lo-menubar.oxt Download it, open it, agree in Libreoffice to install it, restart Libreoffice.

I hope I didn't violate any licenses…

If you don't trust me or your just curious what I did, here is what I did:

Download the extension that was mentioned in the other answers: lo-menubar.oxt

Get the 32bit deb from the Ubuntu repositories. Open a terminal and enter:

apt-get download lo-menubar

If you didn't change the directory, a file called *lo-menubar_0.1.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb* should be in your home folder.

Now open lo-menubar.oxt with the archive manager: Right click on the lo-menubar.oxt, open with archive manager (I hope it's called like that, I am using Ubuntu in German)

Now both files should be open, each in an archive manager window.

In lo-menubar.oxt:

  1. Remove the Linux_x86_64 folder
  2. Change into the folder META-INF
  3. Extract manifest.xml (just drag it onto your desktop)
  4. Right click on the extracted manifest.xml - open it with a text editor
  5. Find *platform=Linux_x86_64"* and change it into *platform=Linux_x86"*
  6. Find *Linux_x86_64/"* and change it into *Linux_x86/"*
  7. Save the manifest.xml and close your text editor
  8. Drag the manifest.xml back into the archive manager, which has lo-menubar.oxt opened, to overwrite that file
  9. Go back to the root folder of lo-menubar.oxt, keep it open.

Open the lo-menubar_0.1.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb with the archive manager: Right click on lo-menubar_0.1.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb, open with archive manager

  1. Change into the folder: /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/menubar/
  2. Drag the Linux_x86 folder into the lo-menubar.oxt

Close everything and open the lo-menubar.oxt. Restart Libreoffice.

I'm sorry for jumping the gun on this, as I didn't noticed I wasn't running the latest version.

This should work for libreoffice 64 bit

The debs from won't use Ubuntu's libreoffice-gtk package and installs to /opt breaking lo-menubar Install lo-menubar package, not the code...

However the standalone extension mentioned by DoR does work out of the box.

If it doesn't try to reinstall LibO 3.4.1 properly:

  1. cd to the folder with LibO debs
  2. Remove older versions:
    • sudo apt-get remove libreoffice* lo-menubar
  3. Install Libre Office:
    • sudo dpkg -i *.deb desktop-integration/*.deb
  4. Install the lo-menubar extension (v0.1.0)
  5. Close LibreOffice for the changes to take effect.

Note: The menubar doesn't work on Start Center and it may cause visual artifacts in its UI, its a known issue.