Assert no unevaluated function applications

The following function checks whether an expression contains anything of the form f_[___] (i.e. an unevaluated function call), where f is a symbol in the current context1 (to ensure that e.g. Sin[3] is allowed):

functioncall::unev = "Unevaluated function calls!";
check = If[
    ! FreeQ[#, x_Symbol[___] /; Context@x == $Context, All],
    ] &;

F[x_, y_] := x + y;

check[F[1, 0]]
(* 1 *)

check[F[x, y]]
(* x + y *)

check[G[x, y]]
(* functioncall::unev: Unevaluated function calls! *)
(* G[x, y] *)

(* functioncall::unev: Unevaluated function calls! *)
(* F[0] *)

If you want to apply this function to every output, you can assign the function check to $Post:

$Post = check;

1 The terms "context" and "delayed evaluation" have different meanings in the context of Mathematica than what you seem to think: What you call "context", I would call "(kernel) session" (see $Context for what context means). What you call "delayed evaluation", I would call "inert expression" (delayed evaluation is used more in the context of evaluating the r.h.s of SetDelayed, TagSetDelayed and RuleDelayed)

You could define


For every existing symbol from Names["`*"] or for all that will be created by using $NewSymbol.

But I would not do that globally. There are many use cases for custom expressions that are 'unevaluated' see for example: 11436

What I do is to associate symbol[___]:=$Failed when I define a function. I do this so often that I have a function for this: MFailByDefault

The definition is at the bottom or you can also install Meh`, its parent package:

(*optional package setup*)
Needs @ "Meh`";

foo // ClearAll;
foo[x_, y_] := x + y

foo // MFailByDefault

foo[1, "X", PlotRange -> Automatic]

foo::argpatt: There are no rules associated with signature foo[Integer, String, Rule].

enter image description here

It issues a message because I don't like the silent way functions fail. It also returns a Failure because I prefer checking for failures rather than catching messages.

Quick definition

MFailByDefault[symbol_Symbol]:= (
  symbol::argpatt = Meh::argpatt
  ; symbol[x___]:= MGenerateAll[symbol::argpatt, inputToSignature[symbol[x]]]

inputToSignature // Attributes = {HoldAllComplete};

inputToSignature[head_[spec___]]:= ToString[#, OutputForm]& @ StringForm[
, head
, Row[ Thread @ HoldForm[{spec}][[{1}, ;;, 0]], ", "]