Authors with multiple affiliations

Here is an option with package authblk

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\author[1, 2]{\small Erwin T. Lau}
\author[3, 5]{\small Massimo Gaspari}
\author[1, 2, 4]{\small Daisuke Nagai}
\author[1, 2, 4]{\small Paolo Coppi}

\affil[1]{\footnotesize Department of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA}
\affil[2]{\footnotesize Yale Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA}
\affil[3]{\footnotesize Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, 4 Ivy Lane, Princeton, NJ 08544-1001 USA}
\affil[4]{\footnotesize Department of Astronomy, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA}
\affil[5]{\footnotesize Einstein and Spitzer Fellow}



you would get


names of authors come from arXiv.

I did a basic redefinition of \author to include an optional argument; the value used in this argument will be appended, together with a comma, to the superscript number used in the affiliation:


      \expandafter\def\csname ifmbe@author\alph{ifmbe@authors}\endcsname
      {#2$^{\expandafter\the\csname ifmbe@affiliationcounter#3\endcsname

\title{Authors With Multiple Affiliations}
\affiliation{First Institution/Department, Affiliation, City, Country }{FIRSTAFF}
\affiliation{Second Institution/Department, Affiliation, City, Country }{SECONDAFF}
\author{A.B. Firstauthor}{FIRSTAFF}
\author{C. Coauthor}{SECONDAFF}
\author[2]{D.E. Othercoauthor}{FIRSTAFF}




enter image description here

A more general redefinition could be made, but for a one-case situation, this should be enough.