Automatic Translation tool for Android

Update 11.08.2018: Google not support this any more

I've not tried it but I've heard about Google Translate Toolkit. Appears to support a wide range of formats, including Android resources.

  • AdWords Editor Archive (.aea)
  • Android Resource (.xml)
  • Apple iOS
  • Application (.strings)
  • Application Resource Bundle (.arb)
  • Chrome Extension (.json)
  • GNU gettext (.po)
  • HTML (.html)
  • Java Application (.properties)
  • Microsoft Word (.doc)
  • OpenDocument Text (.odt)
  • Plain
  • Text (.txt)
  • Rich Text (.rtf)
  • SubRip (.srt)
  • SubViewer (.sub)

@Pedro Rainho tool doesn't work anymore because it uses old api key method which bing has recently changed. I have creater a GUI App using new bing secret api key apporach. You can check it. App is available at SourceForge