Automatically refreshing a QTableView when data changed

I actually found the problem, which was that my other view was not properly notified of the data changes: my views each showed different portions of my data, so the other views needed to be notified of the dataChanged(), but for their own, proper, indices.

On a side note, I also had the problem of updating my views while my Qt application was not the active window in my window manager. The solution was to call repaint() on the main window.

I have met the same problem, and let me add a detailed explanation to the piwi's answers. If you change the data,and what to update the single or several columns(or rows,depending on your requirement), you should emit a set of index for topleft to bottomright.For example,if you have a table like below:

enter image description here

and, now you have changed some data, and want to update the cell row 1, column 1-2, then you should emit signal dataChange

emit datachange(index(1,1),index(1,2));