Avoid cell resizing when creating a table using excel

There are two ways of accomplishing this:

  1. The simplest way is to create an empty table first and then set it up the way you want.
  2. Use a macro that saves the selection's column widths, formats it as a Table, and then restores the column widths. The macro can be set up to work with a shortcut key or a command button, or it can be added to the ribbon. It is even possible to have it intercept the Format as Table ribbon tool.

For method 2, add the following code to a standard module:

' Module     : <any standard module>
' Version    : 0.1.0
' Part       : 1 of 1
' References : N/A
' Source     : https://superuser.com/a/1332155/763880
Option Explicit

Public Sub ToggleTable_NoResize()
       Dim ¡ As Long

  Const s_DefaultStyle As String = "TableStyleMedium9" ' Change this for a different default style

  Dim asngColumnWidths() As Single
  ReDim asngColumnWidths(1 To Selection.Columns.Count)
  For ¡ = LBound(asngColumnWidths) To UBound(asngColumnWidths)
    asngColumnWidths(¡) = Selection.Columns(¡).ColumnWidth
  Next ¡
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim loNewTable As ListObject
    On Error Resume Next
      Set loNewTable = ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Selection, , xlYes)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If loNewTable Is Nothing Then
      Dim loExistingTable As ListObject
      On Error Resume Next
        Set loExistingTable = Selection.ListObject
      On Error GoTo 0
      If Not loExistingTable Is Nothing Then
      End If
      loNewTable.TableStyle = s_DefaultStyle
      For ¡ = LBound(asngColumnWidths) To UBound(asngColumnWidths)
        Selection.Columns(¡).ColumnWidth = asngColumnWidths(¡)
      Next ¡
    End If
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

To set it up with a shortcut key:

  • Make sure the Developer tab is showing
  • Press Alt+L+P+M; select the macro; press Options…; and set the shortcut key


The default style of the Table can be changed in the code where indicated.

As an added feature, running the macro again will convert the Table back to a normal range of cells.