Avoid Pylint warning E1101: 'Instance of .. has no .. member' for class with dynamic attributes

Just to provide the answer that works for me now - as The Compiler suggested you can add a rule for the problematic class in your projects .pylintrc:


This page describes the error and gives an easy way to address it directly in the code. tl;dr

Used when an object (variable, function, …) is accessed for a non-existent member.

False positives: This message may report object members that are created dynamically, but exist at the time they are accessed.

A commentor mentions that it can be disabled on a single line at the top of the file with # pylint: disable=no-member. I also found that you can use # pylint: disable=E1101 based on this reddit entry.

PyLint gives this type of errors on two cases Link:

  • Used when an object (variable, function, …) is accessed for a non-existent member.

  • False positives: This message may report object members that are created dynamically, but exist at the time they are accessed.

As this error is identified as E1101 error. You can solve the issue by adding the following line in your code.

# pylint: disable=E1101