Avoiding page breaks shortly after section/subsection headings
There may be a generalisable mechanism: Using e-TeX and its \clubpenalties
command. In the following example, patching \@afterheading
seems to do the trick.
{\clubpenalty \@M}{\clubpenalties 3 \@M \@M 0}{}{}
{\clubpenalty \@clubpenalty}{\clubpenalties 2 \@clubpenalty 0}{}{}
\textheight 480pt
An extra line.
UPDATE: egreg has written a detailed explanation of \widowpenalties
and \clubpenalties
I solved this with the needspace and titlesec packages, as in:
\usepackage{titlesec} \usepackage{needspace} ... \titleformat{\section} {\needspace{1in}\Large\bfseries}{\thesection}{1em}{}
Hardcoding 1in is crude -- should probably be a multiple of line height. At any rate, this works great in my documents without the need for hand tuning each section.
You could use needspace. With a bit calculations and tests it shouldn't be too difficult to find sensible values:
\lipsum[1] \vspace{27\baselineskip}
\lipsum[1] \vspace{28\baselineskip}