Azure cloud deployment fails : Certificate with thumbprint was not found

What worked for me was:

  1. Goto powershell and type mmc

  2. Add certificates snap-in by going to File > Add/Remove Snap-in > Choose Certificates from the list > Choose My user Account

  3. Right click on Certificates - Current User and select Find Certificates

  4. On the dialog box, set Contains to 'azure' and Look in Field to 'Issued To'

  5. Press Find Now. You should be able to see a list of certificates.

  6. Check for the thumbprint by double-clicking the certificate > Details tab > scroll down to Thumbprint

  7. Once you found your certificate, close the dialog, Right click and select Export

  8. Select to export the private key. Follow the steps until you have a *pfx file for upload to Azure

  9. Goto your service and select the Certificates tab

  10. Click Upload, select the exported *pfx file, and supply the password you've set during export

  11. Goto Dashbord and update the Cloud package

  12. List item

The certificate used in your project doesn't exist on the cloud environment. Make sure the same certificate used by your project is uploaded to the cloud environment. If you are using Visual Studio then you can fix this error as follows:

  1. Right click your Web Role / Worker Role (under Roles folder in the cloud project) → Properties → Certificates
  2. Click on the ellipsis button under Thumbprint which will point to your certificate.
  3. Upload the certificate which shown here to Windows Azure environment (Production or Staging)