B-tree class in C# standard libraries?

There is no (public) implementation of a B-Tree in .NET.

There is no generic Tree class exposed that provides a partial implementation of a tree based structure.

You would need to write something like this from scratch, or use a 3rd party implementation rather than a .NET implementation.

Unfortunately .Net doesn't provide any library for Tree.

But you can get some help online for B-trees

1) https://github.com/rdcastro/btree-dotnet

2) http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/c51b655d-f288-4fbf-9312-9ae4278ff8b7/b-tree-implementation?forum=csharpgeneral

I know I'm terribly late to the party but I've had great success with BPlusTree. The authors did a fantastic job with it. http://csharptest.net/projects/bplustree/


