Background for table cells in LyX

Please check out the (excellent!) Embedded Objects manual that comes with Lyx (directly available from the Help menu). Section 2.11 describes in detail how to color tables, table cells, and cell backgrounds.

As Martin has already pointed out, the solution is based on colortbl:

Lyx Screen Shot

which leads to this PDF output:

enter image description here

I found this. Maybe it can help. It seems it's what you are looking for:

To create colored tables, we need the LaTeX-package colortbl, that is loaded in the preamble with the line


The color of a column is adjusted with the command

\columncolor{name of color}

inside the command >{ }. The following color names are predefined:

red, green, yellow, blue, cyan, magenta, black and white

We also define our own color with the command

\definecolor{color name}{color model}{color values}

The color model can be

cmyk: cyan magenta yellow black

rgb: red, green blue


and the color values are comma separated numbers between 0 and 1 describing the factor for the corresponding color of the color model.

We can e.g. define the color "darkgreen" in the preamble with

\definecolor{darkgreen}{cmyk}{0.5, 0, 1, 0.5}