Bash in Git for Windows: Weirdness when running a command with CMD.exe /C with args

This is actually documented in the ReleaseNotes file (in the top level folder of your installed Git for Windows)

Also, extra care has to be paid to pass Windows programs Windows paths, as they have no clue about MSys style POSIX paths -- You can use something like $(cmd //c echo "$POSIXPATH").

If you use cmd //c echo test it works as expected.

$ cmd //c echo test

The cause is to do with trying to ensure that posix paths end up being passed to the git utilities properly. For this reason, Git for Windows includes a modified MSYS layer that affects command arguments. You should note that it is not intended that the bash shell and tools provided with Git for Windows be used as general purpose unix tools for Windows. If you want a general purpose unix-style toolset then you should install MSYS or cygwin. The Git Bash shell is setup for working with git and sometimes that shows.

After reading this article I've found solution which works for me:

$ cat
cmd << EOD
gvim $@

Windows 8.1, Git (version 1.9.5-preview20141217), GNU bash, version 3.1.20(4)-release (i686-pc-msys).

I am able to mostly reproduce the problem using gnu bash for Windows.

I can't quite establish a pattern with the first form without any quotes. It seems to work with the Windows ECHO command, but not with other commands like DIR. EDIT - It turns out gnu bash is putting quotes around my command, so echo test becomes "echo" "test". The quotes cause cmd.exe to look for an external command instead of the internal ECHO command. I happen to have "echo.exe", so it appears to run. The odd thing is the quotes around test are not displayed. When I attempt to run the DIR command, it fails entirely because there isn't any DIR.EXE.

The subsequent forms with quotes (except the last one), or escaped spaces, work the same as you are seeing - there is an unwanted trailing quote in the command.

I could not come up with a clean solution. However, I have an ugly hack that should give you the desired result. Simply concatenate a REM command at the end of your command. The REM will comment out the unwanted trailing quote. It is important that there be a space after REM, otherwise REM" will not be recognized as a valid command. Any of the following should work.

$ cmd '/c echo test&rem '
$ cmd "/c echo test&rem "
$ cmd /c\ echo\ test\&rem\ 

Note that the last command has a space after the backslash.

The technique should work for pretty much any command string that you might want to execute via CMD.EXE.