batch file to open tabs in a NEW browser window

This is much simpler:

start chrome.exe 

Try this:

@echo off

SET BROWSER=firefox.exe
START %BROWSER% -new-window "website"
START %BROWSER% -new-window "website"

I figured this out.

The batch file to open a NEW browser window, and then the intended websites:

@echo off
start "webpage name" ""
start "webpage name" ""
start "webpage name" ""
start "webpage name" ""

It is working for me. The only caveat, is that if we have a set of pages to open when the new browser window starts up, these will be open too.

Solution? Create another batch file to open those intended websites, and use the desktop file icon to open these. THEN change browser's default configuration to not open specific website or home page on start up.

UPDATE After Alvaro commented on the browser not being the default browser:

For me the default browser is Chrome. Then, for you to set your default browser to open, the line "C:\Users\THEUSER\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" should be changed to reflect the path of your intended browser

start chrome ""

.exe is not required