Battery indicator has disappeared from Gnome panel

Note: Try steps 4/5 first, it may be fixed with 1st hit.

Below the extended instruction to debug the problem with the indicator.

  1. Check if indicator-power-service is running:

    ps ax | grep indicator-power
  2. If it's running, try reset its settings then restart it:

    dconf reset -f /com/canonical/indicator/power/
    pkill -f indicator-power-service

    No success, locate it then try it from terminal (looking for any errors in output):

    sudo updatedb; locate -r indicator-power-service$

    My system is 64bit, So:


    If it works with command, then some thing wrong with its autostart.

  3. As it was checked, it isn't running on start up. Verify the existence of:


    description "Indicator Power Backend"
    # Want to move to indicator-services-[start|end], but that's not all
    # there yet.  Use the signals that exist today for now.
    start on indicators-loaded or indicator-services-start
    stop on desktop-end or indicator-services-end
    exec /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-power/indicator-power-service


    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Indicator Power
  4. This works for me with a fresh Ubuntu 14.04, Modifing indicator-power.desktop for autostart conditions similar to the other indicators. (Submitted bug report lp#1330302)

    sudo nano /etc/xdg/autostart/indicator-power.desktop



    Replace it with:

    AutostartCondition=GNOME3 unless-session gnome
  5. Logout/Login

Well if it didn't work:

  1. Try purge it then reinstall it:

    sudo apt-get remove --purge indicator-power
    sudo apt-get install indicator-power

    Reboot, Check again

  2. No success, as workaround you can run it this way (you may close terminal after this):

    /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-power/indicator-power-service & disown $!

    & run it in background
    disown $! command to detach a process for current terminal, $! variable that hold PID of last process run in background

    Or better if add it to user startup applications, see How do I start applications automatically on login?


sudo apt-get install indicator-applet-complete
sudo apt-get install dconf-editor

change icon-policy to present. This might help you.

enter image description here


If first one do not work you can try to install indicator-power by sudo apt-get install indicator-power. If indicator-power is already install then uninstall it and then reinstall. This might get the power indicator back on the panel. Have fun.