Best practices for recovering from a segmentation fault

Steve's answer is actually a very useful formula. I've used something similar in a piece of complicated embedded software where there was at least one SIGSEGV error in the code that we could not track down by ship time. As long as you can reset your code to have no ill effects (memory or resource leaks) and the error is not something that causes an endless loop it can be a lifesaver (even though its better to fix the bug). FYI in our case it was single thread.

But what is left out is that once you recover from your signal handler, it will not work again unless you unmask the signal. Here is a chunk of code to do that:

sigset_t signal_set;
sigaddset(&signal_set, SIGSEGV); 
sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &signal_set, NULL); 
// Initialize all Variables...

Be sure to free up your memory, sockets and other resources or you could leak memory when this happens.

The best practice is to fix the original issue causing the core dump, recompile and then relaunch the application.

To catch these errors before deploying in the wild, do plenty of peer review and write lots of tests.

It is actually possible in C. You can achieve it in quite a complicated way:

1) Override signal handler

2) Use setjump() and longjmp() to set the place to jump back, and to actually jump back to there.

Check out this code I wrote (idea taken from "Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets" by Peter Van Der Linden):

#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <setjmp.h>

//Declaring global jmp_buf variable to be used by both main and signal handler
jmp_buf buf;

void magic_handler(int s)


        case SIGSEGV:
        printf("\nSegmentation fault signal caught! Attempting recovery..");
        longjmp(buf, 1);

    printf("\nAfter switch. Won't be reached");


int main(void) 

    int *p = NULL;

    signal(SIGSEGV, magic_handler);


         //Trying to dereference a null pointer will cause a segmentation fault, 
         //which is handled by our magic_handler now.

        printf("\nSuccessfully recovered! Welcome back in main!!\n\n"); 

    return 0;