Best way to automatically remove comments from PHP code
Use php -w <sourcefile>
to generate a file stripped of comments and whitespace, and then use a beautifier like PHP_Beautifier to reformat for readability.
$fileStr = file_get_contents('file.php');
foreach (token_get_all($fileStr) as $token ) {
if ($token[0] != T_COMMENT) {
$fileStr = str_replace($token[1], '', $fileStr);
echo $fileStr;
I'd use tokenizer. Here's my solution. It should work on both PHP 4 and 5:
$fileStr = file_get_contents('path/to/file');
$newStr = '';
$commentTokens = array(T_COMMENT);
if (defined('T_DOC_COMMENT')) {
$commentTokens[] = T_DOC_COMMENT; // PHP 5
if (defined('T_ML_COMMENT')) {
$commentTokens[] = T_ML_COMMENT; // PHP 4
$tokens = token_get_all($fileStr);
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
if (is_array($token)) {
if (in_array($token[0], $commentTokens)) {
$token = $token[1];
$newStr .= $token;
echo $newStr;
Here's the function posted above, modified to recursively remove all comments from all PHP files within a directory and all its subdirectories:
function rmcomments($id) {
if (file_exists($id)) {
if (is_dir($id)) {
$handle = opendir($id);
while($file = readdir($handle)) {
if (($file != ".") && ($file != "..")) {
rmcomments($id . "/" . $file); }}
closedir($handle); }
else if ((is_file($id)) && (end(explode('.', $id)) == "php")) {
if (!is_writable($id)) { chmod($id, 0777); }
if (is_writable($id)) {
$fileStr = file_get_contents($id);
$newStr = '';
$commentTokens = array(T_COMMENT);
if (defined('T_DOC_COMMENT')) { $commentTokens[] = T_DOC_COMMENT; }
if (defined('T_ML_COMMENT')) { $commentTokens[] = T_ML_COMMENT; }
$tokens = token_get_all($fileStr);
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
if (is_array($token)) {
if (in_array($token[0], $commentTokens)) { continue; }
$token = $token[1]; }
$newStr .= $token; }
if (!file_put_contents($id, $newStr)) {
$open = fopen($id, "w");
fwrite($open, $newStr);