Best way to encode text data for XML in Java?

As others have mentioned, using an XML library is the easiest way. If you do want to escape yourself, you could look into StringEscapeUtils from the Apache Commons Lang library.

Just use.

<![CDATA[ your text here ]]>

This will allow any characters except the ending


So you can include characters that would be illegal such as & and >. For example.

<element><![CDATA[ characters such as & and > are allowed ]]></element>

However, attributes will need to be escaped as CDATA blocks can not be used for them.

This question is eight years old and still not a fully correct answer! No, you should not have to import an entire third party API to do this simple task. Bad advice.

The following method will:

  • correctly handle characters outside the basic multilingual plane
  • escape characters required in XML
  • escape any non-ASCII characters, which is optional but common
  • replace illegal characters in XML 1.0 with the Unicode substitution character. There is no best option here - removing them is just as valid.

I've tried to optimise for the most common case, while still ensuring you could pipe /dev/random through this and get a valid string in XML.

public static String encodeXML(CharSequence s) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    int len = s.length();
    for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
        int c = s.charAt(i);
        if (c >= 0xd800 && c <= 0xdbff && i + 1 < len) {
            c = ((c-0xd7c0)<<10) | (s.charAt(++i)&0x3ff);    // UTF16 decode
        if (c < 0x80) {      // ASCII range: test most common case first
            if (c < 0x20 && (c != '\t' && c != '\r' && c != '\n')) {
                // Illegal XML character, even encoded. Skip or substitute
                sb.append("&#xfffd;");   // Unicode replacement character
            } else {
                switch(c) {
                  case '&':  sb.append("&amp;"); break;
                  case '>':  sb.append("&gt;"); break;
                  case '<':  sb.append("&lt;"); break;
                  // Uncomment next two if encoding for an XML attribute
//                  case '\''  sb.append("&apos;"); break;
//                  case '\"'  sb.append("&quot;"); break;
                  // Uncomment next three if you prefer, but not required
//                  case '\n'  sb.append("&#10;"); break;
//                  case '\r'  sb.append("&#13;"); break;
//                  case '\t'  sb.append("&#9;"); break;

                  default:   sb.append((char)c);
        } else if ((c >= 0xd800 && c <= 0xdfff) || c == 0xfffe || c == 0xffff) {
            // Illegal XML character, even encoded. Skip or substitute
            sb.append("&#xfffd;");   // Unicode replacement character
        } else {
    return sb.toString();

Edit: for those who continue to insist it foolish to write your own code for this when there are perfectly good Java APIs to deal with XML, you might like to know that the StAX API included with Oracle Java 8 (I haven't tested others) fails to encode CDATA content correctly: it doesn't escape ]]> sequences in the content. A third party library, even one that's part of the Java core, is not always the best option.

Very simply: use an XML library. That way it will actually be right instead of requiring detailed knowledge of bits of the XML spec.



