Is there any way to call the parent version of an overridden method? (C# .NET)

At the IL level, you could probably issue a call rather than a callvirt, and get the job done - but if we limit ourselves to C# ;-p (edit darn! the runtime stops you: VerificationException: "Operation could destabilize the runtime."; remove the virtual and it works fine; too clever by half...)

Inside the ChildClass type, you can use base.methodTwo() - however, this is not possible externally. Nor can you go down more than one level - there is no base.base.Foo() support.

However, if you disable polymorphism using method-hiding, you can get the answer you want, but for bad reasons:

class ChildClass : ParentClass
    new public int methodTwo() // bad, do not do
        return 2;

Now you can get a different answer from the same object depending on whether the variable is defined as a ChildClass or a ParentClass.

Inside of ChildClass.methodTwo(), you can call base.methodTwo().

Outside of the class, calling ((ParentClass)a).methodTwo() will call ChildClass.methodTwo. That's the whole reason why virtual methods exist.