How do I stop stacktraces truncating in logs

Apache's Commons Lang provides a nice util method ExceptionUtils.printRootCauseStackTrace() which prints a nested stacktrace 'upside down'. The result is much more intuitive.

If you see the result next to the original out of the printStackTrace() method, it will be clear where the '113 more' lines went.

Increase -XX:MaxJavaStackTraceDepth JVM option.

When you see '...113 more', that means that the remaining lines of the 'caused by' exception are identical to the remaining lines from that point on of the parent exception.

For example, you'll have

  at ...
  at ...
  at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.executeBatch(
  at ... <the other 113 lines are here>...
Caused by: <the above>.

The two stack traces 'meet' at AbstractBatcher.executeBatch, line 242, and then from then on the upward call trace is the same as the wrapping exception.