Best way to send email notification in an Azure DevOps build pipeline? Do not want to use "Notifications Module"

You can install the Send Email task from the marketplace, and add it to your build pipline.

The extension takes care of sending email within your build or release pipeline.

enter image description here

But better way is configure a global notification settings for the builds.

I tried to use "Send Email" to send something from my gmail but it didn't work out. I got the error message below

The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated.

If you have a similar problem, I recommend you using SendGrid. It's more easier.

  1. Just create a resource "SendGrid" on Azure Portal.
  2. Create an API Key from SendGrid.
  3. Configure the pipeline with the key.

That's it. You don't have to config any SMTP setting and figure out what it is. enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here