Better Function Composition in Python

You can't replicate the exact syntax, but you can make something similar:

def f(*args):
    result = args[0]

    for func in args[1:]:
        result = func(result)

    return result

Seems to work:

>>> f('a test', reversed, sorted, ''.join)
' aestt'

You can't get that exact syntax, although you can get something like F(x)(foo, bar, baz). Here's a simple example:

class F(object):
    def __init__(self, arg):
        self.arg = arg

    def __call__(self, *funcs):
        arg = self.arg
        for f in funcs:
            arg = f(arg)
        return arg

def a(x):
    return x+2
def b(x):
    return x**2
def c(x):
    return 3*x

>>> F(2)(a, b, c)
>>> F(2)(c, b, a)

This is a bit different from Blender's answer since it stores the argument, which can later be re-used with different functions.

This is sort of like the opposite of normal function application: instead of specifying the function up front and leaving some arguments to be specified later, you specify the argument and leave the function(s) to be specified later. It's an interesting toy but it's hard to think why you'd really want this.