BibLaTeX doesn't show bibliography when compiling

The following worked for me. In TeXStudio, go to Options ---> Configure ---> Build and Choose. Check "Build and View". Then in the configuration (for example in the Quick Build) you need to have:

pdflatex (or XeLaTeX)
pdflatex (or XeLaTeX)
pdflatex (or XeLaTeX)

Default Viewer

The last one (Default Viewer) is not necessary. I think Biber is the key for having it run (at least in my case this was the only way to work).

After doing that (and given that you have chosen a place for your bibliography using the command \printbibliography), you must be able to get the result that you seek.

P.S. Another thing that is important to notice is that use \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} instead of \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}. From what I have read you need to also include \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}.

I hope you will find a solution.

In TeXstudio, you can force it to run Biber on your file to rebuild the bibliography. Choose Tools -> Bibliography (the default hotkey is F11). Run this, then compile your document.

This way, you won't have to run PdfLaTeX repeatedly every time you compile. TeXstudio is supposed to automatically detect that you've changed your bibliography, and only then re-run biber, but apparently it sometimes gets confused.