Bibliographies when using subfiles

From subfiles.sty the \subfile command is defined as:


So it is straightforward to hook in some code to locally redefine \printbibliography to do nothing. For an example add the following to the preamble of the main file:






Note that biblatex makes bibliographic data available via citation commands. So unless you want to view the bibliography entries outside the main file, the subfiles need not invoke \printbibliography.

I also used Audrey's approach ( for a while, but I got annoyed of having to write \printbibliography at the end of each subfile. Now I'm using the following Latex Hooks in the preamble of my main file:

%%% Default start and end for each subfile


Borrowing a post on this Latex Community thread, you can define your \printbibliography command in the preamble and then un-define it in the main document. Your main file will then contain its own call to \bibliography{} and \biblographystyle.

Something like:


\usepackage{subfiles, biblatex}
\newcommand{\dobib}{ % Define the command
    \bibliography{../../references} % Place the path relative to the subfile here

\renewcommand{\dobib}{} % Un-define the command


    \bibliography{../references} % Place the path relative to the main file here


    According to SomeGuy \cite{Someguy1981} pigs can fly.


This works fine for me.