Bounded Torsion, without Mazur’s Theorem
By all means hold out hope, but I don't think that the ideas in Dem'janenko's papers are going to work. I spent a lot of time in grad school looking at them.
If I remember correctly, Dem'janenko also claimed to have proven that on $E:y^2=x^3+D$, if a $P\in E(\mathbb Q)$ is a non-torsion point, then $\hat h(P)\ge c\log|D|$ for an absolute constant $c$. But again, no one has managed to decipher his proof. Lang was intrigued enough to conjecture that $\hat h(P)\ge c\log|\Delta_E|$ for all elliptic curves, where $\Delta_E$ is the minimal discriminant. Using quite different techniques, I proved a weaker version of Lang's conjecture, and Hindry and I proved that Lang's full conjecture follows from $ABC$. However, for twists such as in Dem'janenko's paper, there is an alternative easier argument, and it's possible that that is what's lurking in his paper.
I mention all of this, because height arguments such as those in Dem'janenko, and in my work with Hindry, tend to lead to statements of the form: Let $P\in E(\mathbb Q)$. Then either $NP=0$ or $\hat h(P)$ isn't too small. So torsion bounds and height bounds come packaged together.
As for proofs that just handle torsion points, note that any such proof would be a strong uniform version of the Mordell conjecture for the modular curves $X_1(\mathbb Q)$, which is why it seems unlikely that purely elementary, albeit complicated, algebraic manipulations as in Dem'janenko's paper could give full uniformity.
On the other hand, Dem'janenko came up with a very nice way of proving the Mordell conjecture in certain situations. For example, if there are two independent maps $f_1,f_2:C\to{E}$ and if $E(\mathbb Q)$ has rank 1, then $C(\mathbb Q)$ is finite, essentially by comparing $\hat h(f_1(x))$ and $\hat h(f_2(x))$. Manin generalized this to the tower of modular curves $X_1(p^{n+1})\to X_1(p^n)$, and used this to give an elementary (at least, compared to Mazur's work) proof of $p$-power uniformity for torsion points:
Theorem (Manin) Fix $p$ and a number field $K$. There is a constant $C=C(p,K)$ such that for every elliptic curve $E/K$, there are no torsion points in $E(K)$ of exact order $p^C$.
The 1971 paper appears in English translation as
V. A. Dem'janenko, Torsion of elliptic curves, Mathematics of the USSR-Izvestiya 5 no 2 (1971) 289–318, doi:10.1070/IM1971v005n02ABEH001047
Cassels wrote a review for Math Reviews, saying
Unfortunately, the exposition is so obscure that the reviewer has yet to meet someone who would vouch for the validity of the proof; on the other hand he has yet to be shown a mistake that unambiguously and irretrievably vitiates the argument.
Even as recent as 1996, Jörg Jahnel in reviewing Demʹjanenko's On the torsion of elliptic curves writes
So the proof is mainly based on very complicated algebraic calculations. Furthermore it relies on a reference to an old paper of the same author [the 1971 paper above], which seems never to have been understood. Thus, unfortunately, it is impossible for the referee to certify that everything is correct.
Recent citations are very thin on the ground, and no one particularly seems to credit Dem'janenko with having proving what is claimed in the 1971 paper.