Breaking a string into multiple lines inside a javascript code

If you want to write a multiline string you should use the "\":


$('.videos').append('<li> \
                <span>' + count + '</span> - \
                <a href="' + vList[i].player + '"> \
                    <span class="title">' + videoTitle + '</span> \
                </a> \

If you have a multiline string, you need to use the multiline string syntax.

However, it's better to store your HTML in templates and not code :) That makes them more readable, more reusable and more maintainable.

What about something like - in your HTML:

<script type="text/template" id="videoTemplate">
      <a href="{{videoURL}}">
        <span class="title">{{videoTitle}}</span>

Then in JavaScript

var template = $("#videoTemplate").html();

That way, you get a clearer separation of the template you're using and your code. You can change the HTML independently and reuse it in other parts of code more easily.

The code does not have to even be aware of template changes and a designer can change the design without knowing JavaScript.

Of course, if you find yourself doing this often you can use a templating engine and not having a .replace chain.

ES2015 also introduces template strings which are also kind of nice and serve the same purpose in principle:

 const videoTemplate = `<li>
      <a href="${vList[i].player}">
        <span class="title">${videoTitle}</span>