Browser (Chrome) does not cache assets from CloudFront

From your CloudFront response:

HTTP/1.0 206 Partial Content

HTTP/1.0 doesn't contain a 206 response code (that was added in HTTP/1.1) so chrome's cache layer refuses to reuse the response. More chrome-specific details in but the short answer is that CloudFront should serve 206 responses as HTTP/1.1, not /1.0.

There is no expires/cache-control header specified. Chrome can be really particular about caching items (especially when they are added dynamically to the DOM via javascript) if there is no expires header provided.

from google:

It is important to specify one of Expires or Cache-Control max-age, and one of Last-Modified or ETag, for all cacheable resources. It is redundant to specify both Expires and Cache-Control: max-age, or to specify both Last-Modified and ETag.