Browsing an SVN Repository

Depending on the type of access you have, one of these options might be good:

svn look (as noted above) and svn info (also in the svn book: google for it) are two good command-line options. They work on the local machine if you're logged in, but they also work remotely over the network.

If the svn repository is running with a public web server, you may be able to simply browse to it using your browser, e.g.

Many svn administrators also install ViewVC ( You can try browsing to to see if you get anything.

Editing to let commenters change their mind ;)

svn ls works. e.g.

svn ls

Try this on the command line:

svn ls

Depending on what platform you're on you can also use:

  • Windows - Tortoise SVN ( TortoiseSVN Repository Browser
  • OS X - Versions (
  • Linux - Rabbit VCS (

I find a terminal great for power use, but when you want to just see something or dig though directories, a visual version is a little bit more rewarding.

Use svnlook

a command-line utility for examining different aspects of a Subversion repository. It does not make any changes to the repository—it's just used for “peeking”. svnlook is typically used by the repository hooks, but a repository administrator might find it useful for diagnostic purposes.

Since svnlook works via direct repository access (and thus can only be used on the machine that holds the repository), it refers to the repository with a path, not a URL.

If no revision or transaction is specified, svnlook defaults to the youngest (most recent) revision of the repository...

