\documentclass[bordet = 5pt, tikz]{standalone}
node distance = 2cm,
bubble/.style = {draw, ellipse, minimum width = 1.5cm, minimum height = 1.0cm},
line/.style = {-latex'},
% bubbles
\node[bubble] (B1) {Bubble 1};
\node[bubble, above right = of B1] (B2) {Bubble 2};
\node[bubble, below right = of B1] (B3) {Bubble 3};
% lines
\draw [line] (B1) -| ($(B2.west) + (-0.3,0)$) -- (B2.west);
\draw [line] (B1) -| ($(B3.west) + (-0.3,0)$) -- (B3.west);
\tikzset{every picture/.style={line width=1pt}}
\draw (155.13, 153.5) circle [x radius= 76.13, y radius= 43.5] ;
\draw (398.63, 82) circle [x radius= 76.13, y radius= 43.5] ;
\draw (231.25,153.5) -- (295.5,154) ;
\draw (295.5,154) -- (295.5,82) ;
\draw (295.5,226) -- (295.5,154) ;
\draw (400.63, 226) circle [x radius= 76.13, y radius= 43.5] ;
\draw (295.5,82) -- (322.5,82) ;
\draw (295.5,226) -- (322.5,226) ;
\draw (311,77) -- (323,82) -- (311,87) ;
\draw (313,221) -- (325,226) -- (313,231) ;
\draw (147,152) node [align=left] {Bubble 1};
\draw (397,81) node [align=left] {Bubble 2};
\draw (401,225) node [align=left] {Bubble 3};