Building a dictionary of counts of items in a list

You can use the group clause in C# to do this.

List<string> stuff = new List<string>();

var groups = 
    from s in stuff
    group s by s into g
    select new { 
        Stuff = g.Key, 
        Count = g.Count() 

You can call the extension methods directly as well if you want:

var groups = stuff
    .GroupBy(s => s)
    .Select(s => new { 
        Stuff = s.Key, 
        Count = s.Count() 

From here it's a short hop to place it into a Dictionary<string, int>:

var dictionary = groups.ToDictionary(g => g.Stuff, g => g.Count);

I would have made a specialized List, that backed by the Dictionary and the add method would test for membership and increase count if found.

sorta like:

public class CountingList
    Dictionary<string, int> countingList = new Dictionary<string, int>();

   void Add( string s )
        if( countingList.ContainsKey( s ))
             countingList[ s ] ++;
            countingList.Add( s, 1 );

One idea would be to give the dictionary a default value of zero, so you wouldn't have to special case the first occurrence.