Bypass a nawk snippet if the input file is empty

Instead of the NR == FNR test to test whether you're processing the first file, you could do:

awk 'FILENAME == ARGV[1] {...} ...' file1 file2

But that's a more expensive test, so if file1 is a regular file, you might as well use @Archemar's approach and not run awk at all if the first file is empty.

In cases (not yours) where file1 and file2 have to be the same file, you can do:

awk 'FILENAME == ARGV[1] {...} ...' file1 ./file1


awk 'FILENAME == "-" {...} ...' - <file1 file1

An even better approach (portable and efficient):

awk '!file1_processed {...} ...' file1 file1_processed=1 file2

If you need that to apply on ./*.txt for instance, you'd do:

set -- ./*.txt
first=$1; shift
awk '!first_processed {...} ...' "$first" first_processed=1 "$@"

A GNU awk-specific approach:

awk 'ARGIND == 1 {...} ...' file1 file2

there is a test function for zero size file.

if test -s apple.txt
    ## apple.txt non empty
    code ...
    ## file empty