Calculating checksum

If you have an argument as an character, i.e. #1=A, then `#1 will give you the ASCII number of this character. If you want that the character '0' gives you a numeric value of 0, and so on, you simply have to subtract the value `0 from each value. Luckily then characters for the digits are coded in numeric order in ASCII, i.e. `0-`1 = 1 etc.

I would loop over the input text yourself by putting it in front of an end-marker and reading one character a time in a recursive fashion.


% Reads the input one token a time, should only contains normal characters!
    \ifx\@nnil#1\relax\else % stop looping when endmarker is read
        \expandafter\@checksum % Recursive call => loop






This stores the checksum digit into \checksumdigit and prints it in the text. I tested it successfully on the three books above.

\def\GOODISBN#1{ISBN #1 is valid}
\def\BADISBN#1{ISBN #1 is invalid}


  \@tempcnta=11 \@tempcntb=\z@
  \divide\@tempcnta by 11
  \multiply\@tempcnta by 11
  \@tempcnta=\z@ \@tempcntb=\z@
     \@tempcntb=\numexpr\@tempcntb+\next*\ifodd\@tempcnta 1\else 3\fi\relax
  \divide\@tempcnta by 10
  \multiply\@tempcnta by 10





The result is

ISBN 1000000011 is invalid
ISBN 1-00-000001-X is valid
ISBN 0-306-40615-2 is valid
ISBN 978-0-306-40615-7 is valid

The computation for old ISBN numbers can be streamlined:

  \@tempcnta=11 \@tempcntb=\z@
     \@tempcntb=\numexpr\@tempcntb+\if\next X10\else\next\fi*\@tempcnta\relax
  \divide\@tempcnta by 11
  \multiply\@tempcnta by 11 

