Calling outside subs and modules in Template Toolkit without Plugins?
You can also pass functions (ie. subroutines) to template like this:
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util ();
use Template;
my $tt = Template->new({
$tt->process( '', {
divider => sub { '=' x $_[0] },
capitalize => sub { ucfirst $_[0] },
sum => sub { List::Util::sum( @_ ) },
[% divider( 40 ) %] Hello my name is [% capitalize( 'barry' ) %], how are u today? The ultimate answer to life is [% sum( 10, 30, 2 ) %] [% divider( 40 ) %]
will produce this:
======================================== Hello my name is Barry, how are u today? The ultimate answer to life is 42 ========================================
Have you tried use
ing the module in a [% PERL %]
Now, I personally would write a plugin which relays, say, a MyOrg::Plugin::Util->prettify_date
to Util::prettify_date
after getting rid of the first argument. You can automate the creation of these methods as well:
my @to_proxy = qw( prettify_date );
sub new {
my $class = shift;
no strict 'refs';
for my $sub ( @to_proxy) {
*{"${class}::${sub}"} = sub {
my $self = shift;
return "My::Util::$sub"->( @_ );
bless {} => $class;