Can I change the way Windows 10 gives names to screenshot?

The idea is to setup a batch renaming program to automatically rename all those screenshots to your desired pattern using the last modified file time. This can be setup so that it can be ran either on demand, or periodically via scheduled tasks.

This can be accomplished with ReNamer.

  1. Open ReNamer
  2. Add an Insert renaming rule with the following configuration:
    • Insert ":File_DateModified:" replacing current name (skip extension)
  3. Open Settings in the main menu, Meta Tags tab, change the date format to:
  4. Save the current rules configuration as a Preset
    • Click Ctrl+S or by navigating through the main menu.

Now, you can use your saved preset to automatically rename files by using a command line:

"C:\Programs\ReNamer\ReNamer.exe" /rename "My Preset Name" "C:\Users\Username\Screenshots"

(Exact paths and preset name will need to be adjusted to fit your setup)

This command opens ReNamer with the selected preset, loads all files from the specified folder, renames all files and closes automatically if no issues have occurred. You can either create a shortcut for executing it on demand or adding it as a Scheduled Task to be executed periodically.

That is how it looks if you just load your files into ReNamer for inspection:

ReNamer - serializing file names with last modified date

I use Dropbox and it has a save to Dropbox feature. When it does it used a time date naming convention. After that I just move files to another folder. Also the function is ctrl+prtsc for Dropbox save rather than win+prtsc.