Can I have an onclick event on a imagemap area element?

Its the shape that's the problem. Your code has set shape equal to polygon but only has 4 points in the coordinates attribute. You need to set shape to rectangle instead.

Set shape="rect" like this:

<img id="image" src="wheel.png" width="2795" height="2795" usemap="#Map" >
    <map name="Map">
    <area class="blue" onclick="myFunction()" shape="rect" coords="2318,480,1510,1284" href="#">

Pay attention:

  1. Attribute href is obligatory, without it the area-tag does nothing!

  2. To add a click event, you'll need to block default href.

Your code should start as follows:

$(".blue").on("click", function(e){
       your code here

Live example here.