Tracking model changes in SQLAlchemy
SQLAlchemy tracks the changes to each attribute. You don't need to (and shouldn't) query the instance again in the event. Additionally, the event is triggered for any instance that has been modified, even if that modification will not change any data. Loop over each column, checking if it has been modified, and store any new values.
@event.listens_for(cls, 'before_update')
def before_update(mapper, connection, target):
state = db.inspect(target)
changes = {}
for attr in state.attrs:
hist = attr.load_history()
if not hist.has_changes():
# hist.deleted holds old value
# hist.added holds new value
changes[attr.key] = hist.added
# now changes map keys to new values
I had a similar problem but wanted to be able to keep track of the deltas as changes are made to sqlalchemy models instead of just the new values. I wrote this slight extension to davidism's answer to do that along with slightly better handling of before
and after
, since they are lists sometimes or empty tuples other times:
from sqlalchemy import inspect
def get_model_changes(model):
Return a dictionary containing changes made to the model since it was
fetched from the database.
The dictionary is of the form {'property_name': [old_value, new_value]}
user = get_user_by_id(420)
>>> '<User id=402 email="[email protected]">'
>>> {} = '[email protected]'
>>> {'email': ['[email protected]', '[email protected]']}
state = inspect(model)
changes = {}
for attr in state.attrs:
hist = state.get_history(attr.key, True)
if not hist.has_changes():
old_value = hist.deleted[0] if hist.deleted else None
new_value = hist.added[0] if hist.added else None
changes[attr.key] = [old_value, new_value]
return changes
def has_model_changed(model):
Return True if there are any unsaved changes on the model.
return bool(get_model_changes(model))