Can i put the submitted paper in the arxiv?

If you have just submitted the paper, chances are you haven't given the rights over to the committee. As long as you haven't agreed to some terms and conditions that gives temporary ownership to the conference, then you should still have ownership of the paper and can do what you want with it.

If you want to be doubly sure, a short email to the conference proceedings editor can erase any doubt you may have.

In the fields I work in (pure math and theoretical CS), it is completely standard. Most conferences/journals have clear policies on what kinds of publication elsewhere are acceptable, which (a) generally do not allow submissions that have been previously submitted or published in other comparable peer-reviewed venues, but (b) often explicitly clarify that preprint servers (e.g. arXiv) and authors’ homepages are not included in that prohibition, since they’re not peer-reviewed venues.

So: it is almost certainly OK — but you can probably set your mind at rest by looking up (or asking about) the journal/conference’s policies on submission/publication elsewhere.