Can PyCharm reuse a console for running code?

My coworker refused to use PyCharm because she was used to this feature in Spyder and didn’t know that it does exists in PyCharm as Execute Selection in Console feature which is typically have a shortcut combination of Alt+Shift+E.

Current PyCharm feature documentation does not mention that short-cut.

Update: As of 2020 documentation is updated and much more comprehensive.

If you have a different keymap you can check in setting window by searching Execute selection in console to see feature’s shortcut or perhaps even assign your own custom short-cut in Settings → Keymap like Ctrl+Enter which resembles interactive console-like experience for many Python developers who like to execute code selections to see outcome during development process.

According to docs here:

Select chunk of code you want to execute in console, right click and select Execute selection in console or press Enter (enter won't work for vim extension). Every time your selected code will be executed in same console.


