Can't complete dropbox installation from behind proxy

sudo https_proxy="https://username:password@your_proxy:proxy_port" dropbox start -i

You have to run the deamon as root, and thus, you have to configure the proxy as root. Setting the httpS_proxy root env variable on invocation should be enough.

What is still missing is the installation of the Dropbox daemon. You can download and install it manually; this is documented at


cd ~ && wget -O - "" | tar xzf -


cd ~ && wget -O - "" | tar xzf -

Next, run the Dropbox daemon from the newly created .dropbox-dist folder.


In case it helps anyone, I had an issue with the proxy settings and although I had them set they weren't enabled:

You can see if they are enabled like this:

gsettings get org.gnome.system.proxy.http enabled

And enable them if they aren't like this:

gsettings set org.gnome.system.proxy.http enabled true