Can't find the latex code for the ⍎ (down tack jot) symbol


enter image description here

If you want the circle smaller,


enter image description here

You can superimpose \perp and \circ.




\APLbox \quad \APLdtj \quad \APLcomment


enter image description here

As you just used the Unicode symbol ⍎, you’re aware of it. You can use that in LaTeX, too. Load the fontspec package, compile in LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX, and you can paste it into your source code. ^^^^234E also works, as does \char{"234e}, or you can define a \newcommand.

If your main font doesn’t contain that glyph, you can define the command in text mode like so:

\newfontfamily\symbolfont{DejaVu Sans}[Scale=MatchLowercase]
\newcommand\dtjot{{\symbolfont ⍎}}

In math mode, you would load unicode-math and use the range= option of \setmathfont if the main math font you want to use does not cover it. You could also put the text-mode command inside a \mbox.