can't install php-devel on centos
Rather than running yum install php-devel
you needed to run yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-php54 install php-devel
In short, just specifying which php-devel version you wanted from the remi repo. In your case you had php54 installed from remi so you needed to add in "remi-php54" . That would have successfully installed php-devel without the downtime.
What I did was:
yum search php53
and it showed the php-devel file to install. Once I did the search and found the correct devel package, I simply copied and pasted the entire name after yum install. I executed
yum install php53-devel.x86_64
to get it
If you have php 5.5.x, centos 6.5 64 try this
yum install php55w-devel
You will need also gcc
yum install gcc.x86_64