Can Yarn list all available scripts?

Use yarn run, just like npm npm run

npm run is too slow, I got response for almost 5 seconds sometimes.

I've been using cat package.json for years, but I had to scroll the screen in terminal every time because package.json is too long (more than one screen).

So I filter it via grep and sed.
grep print 50 lines after match scripts, and sed used to match the other parentheses, then quit without continue print.

$ grep "scripts" -A 50 ./package.json | sed '/}/ q' # run it on package.json directory

So I append it to ~/.bashrc via alias scripts="grep 'scripts' -A 20 ./package.json | sed '/}/ q'".

And next time, I just run scripts, then I got all scripts content on package.json.


Another solution is with jq.

jq .scripts package.json

Output example:

  "dev": "webpack-dev-server --mode development",
  "build": "webpack --mode production"

You could add the script to your list of scripts and use yarn scripts

  "scripts": {
    "scripts": "jq .scripts package.json"