Can you use a CASE statement with OrderBy in an LINQ to Entities query?

Here's a translation of your SQL to LINQ.

var query = from p in ctx.People
            let order = p.IsQualityNetwork || p.IsEmployee ? 0 : 1
            orderby order, p.Name
            select new

I've used the fluent query syntax so I could show you the let keyword. let allows you to declare a range variable that can then be reused in your query, this can be very useful if you've got a conditional that gets used in a lot of places, or if you need to chain multiple conditionals.

var p = ctx.People.OrderBy(p => (p.IsQualityNetwork == 1 || p.IsEmployee == 1) ? 0 : 1)
                  .ThenBy(p => p.Name);