Can you win with two more moves at Three Men's Morris?
C# - 739 663 bytes
Complete program, reads input from argv, and appears to work. Run it like
ThreeMill 1 2 1 1 2 0 0 0 2
If this method of input is unacceptable, I'll be glad to change it (never like using argv).
using System;using System.Linq;class P{static void Main(string[]A){var I=new[]{0,3,6,1,4,7,2,5,8};Func<string[],string>J=S=>S[0]+S[1]+S[2]+" "+S[3]+S[4]+S[5]+" "+S[6]+S[7]+S[8]+" ";Func<string[],string,int>W=(B,p)=>(J(B)+J(I.Select(i=>B[i]).ToArray())).Contains(p+p+p)?1:0;Func<string[],string,string[][]>V=(B,p)=>I.SelectMany(a=>I.Where(b=>a!=b&B[a]==p&B[b]=="0"&(a==4|b==4|a-b==3|b-a==3|((a-b==1|b-a==1)&a/3==b/3))).Select(b=>{var N=(string[])B.Clone();N[b]=p;N[a]="0";return N;})).DefaultIfEmpty(B).ToArray();int h,G;Console.WriteLine(":"+"(|))"[V(A,"1").Max(z=>((h=0)<(G=V(z,"2").Sum(j=>V(j,"1").Max(q=>W(q,"1")-W(q,"2"))+h++*0))?1:0)+(h>G?W(z,"1")*2:2))]);}}
I was disinclined to post this yesterday, because I've not been able to golf it down much (not had all that much time, and I might be out of practice), but since there hasn't been a response yet, I'll post it anyway, I certainly don't expect the bounty, I'd rather it went to someone who's put a bit more effort into theirs before posting!
Edit: replaced all the bools with ints, which meant I could make better use of Linq, and managed to collapse both foreach loops, giving big savings. I am slightly amazed that the h
counter works... ++ is such a subtle utility.
The program is very simple, it just explores every possible set of moves (stores board state in a string[]). It iterates over all of our possible moves (the boards that result thereof), and counts the number of responses by our opponent that we can successful beat (G
) (i.e. those that we win, and he doesn't). It also counts the number of possible responses (h
). If we can win any, then it's a possible, and we add 1 to the sum, if we can win them all, it's a definite, and we add 2 to the sum. The maximum some is therefore our best possible outcome, and we index into the string "(|))" to return the appropriate face. Note that we need the extra ")" because the sum can be 2 or 3 if it's a definite (it's possible that we don't appear to be able to beat any responses having already won on the first go, so the possible check is a tad misleading).
The program checks for a victory by producing a string from the board, that is space-separated rows and columns, and just looks for a string of 3 of the player's character in this string (e.g. "201 201 021 220 002 111 " is a win for us)
using System;
using System.Linq; // all important
class P
static void Main(string[]A) // transform to int?
var I=new[]{0,3,6,1,4,7,2,5,8}; // vertical indexes
Func<string[],string>J=S=>S[0]+S[1]+S[2]+" "+S[3]+S[4]+S[5]+" "+S[6]+S[7]+S[8]+" "; // joins the strings up, so that there is a space separating each group of three (including at end)
Func<string[],string,int>W=(B,p)=>(J(B)+J(I.Select(i=>B[i]).ToArray())).Contains(p+p+p)?1:0; // checks if a particular player wins
Func<string[],string,string[][]>V=(B,p)=>I.SelectMany(a=>I // for each imagineable move
.Where(b=>a!=b&B[a]==p&B[b]=="0"&(a==4|b==4|a-b==3|b-a==3|((a-b==1|b-a==1)&a/3==b/3))) // where it's legal
.Select(b=>{var N=(string[])B.Clone();N[b]=p;N[a]="0";return N;}) // select the resulting board
).DefaultIfEmpty(B) // allow not-moving
int h, // h stores the number of responses the opponent has to each move
G; // G stores the number of responses by the opponent we can beat
Console.WriteLine(":"+"(|))"[ // we index into this to decide which smiley
((h=0)<(G=V(z,"2").Sum(j=>V(j,"1").Max(q=>W(q,"1")-W(q,"2"))+h++*0))?1:0) // if there is atleast 1 reponse by the opponent we can beat, we can possibly win
+(h>G?W(z,"1")*2:2) // if there are moves which we can't win, then if we have already won (one-move), else, we can definitely win
) // sum is therefore 0 if impossible, 1 if possible, >2 (no more than 3) if definite
Here is my test script:
ThreeMill 2 1 0 2 1 2 0 0 1
ThreeMill 2 1 0 0 1 0 2 2 1
ThreeMill 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 2 2
ThreeMill 1 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 1
ThreeMill 1 0 1 1 2 2 2 0 0
ThreeMill 1 0 1 1 2 0 2 0 2
ThreeMill 1 2 2 0 0 1 2 1 0
ThreeMill 1 0 0 1 2 2 2 0 1
ThreeMill 1 2 1 1 2 0 0 0 2
ThreeMill 1 0 1 2 0 2 1 0 2
Which outputs