Play "Taps"
JavaScript, 203 198 196 195 bytes
with(new AudioContext)for(t=i=0;n="301093301396202346202346202396331699464390301093"[i++];)with(createOscillator())i%2?l=n/2:(frequency.value=392+n*44,connect(destination),start(t+.1),stop(t+=l))
5 bytes saved thanks to Dendrobium and 1 thanks to @PatrickRoberts.
with(new AudioContext) // use HTML5 audio
for( // iterate through the note pitches and lengths
t=i=0; // t = current time to place the note
n= // n = note pitch (or temporarily length)
// This string contains the values of each note alternating between length and pitch
// (l1, p1, l2, p2, etc...)
// Length value is in 16th notes (1 = 1/16th note, 2 = 1/8th, etc...)
// The longer notes are limited to 9 but I think it still sounds OK
// Pitch value 0 = G4, 3 = C5, 6 = E5, 9 = G5 (multiples of 3 saves 1 byte)
with(createOscillator()) // create the note oscillator
i%2? // alternate between length and pitch characters
l=n/2 // l = length (stored for use in the next iteration)
// dividing it by 2 sets the speed to 60 beats per minute
// and casts it to a number
frequency.value=392 // base note = G5 (392hz)
+n*44, // there is (conveniently) roughly 132hz between each note
connect(destination), // send the note's sound through the speakers
start(t // schedule the note to sound
+.1), // short delay to distinguish two notes of the same pitch
stop(t+=l) // schedule the end of the note and increment the time
Test it here in the browser! Works on any browser that supports the HTML5 Web Audio API.
Mathematica, 361 287 285 bytes
I went for accuracy here. Output is exactly as described in the score, played with the trumpet. You can find the file here.
Thanks to @MartinBüttner for golfing suggestions.
Sonic Pi, 899 bytes
The timing is a little off, but I think it's ok.
Lightly golfed:
use_synth:blade use_synth_defaults sustain:0.70,release:0.0 play:G4,release:0.05 wait 0.75 play:G4,sustain:0.25 wait 0.25 hold=rrand_i(3,4) play:C5,sustain:hold,release:0.5 wait hold+0.5 play:G4,release:0.05 wait 0.75 play:C5,sustain:0.25 sleep 0.25 hold=rrand_i(3,4) play:E5,sustain:hold,release:1.25 sleep hold+1.25 play:G4 sleep 0.70 play:C5 sleep 0.70 2.times do play:E5,sustain:1,release:0.25 sleep 1.25 play:G4 sleep 0.7 play:C5 sleep 0.7 end hold=rrand_i(3,5) play:E5,sustain:hold,release:0.75 sleep hold+1 play:C5,release:0.05 sleep 0.75 play:E5,sustain:0.25 sleep 0.25 play:G5,sustain:2.45,release:0.05 sleep 2.5 play:E5,sustain:1,release:0.25 sleep 1.25 play:C5,sustain:1,release:0.25 sleep 1.25 hold=rrand_i(3,5) play:G4,sustain:hold,release:0.5 sleep hold+0.5 play:G4,release:0.05 sleep 0.75 play:G4,sustain:0.25 sleep 0.25 hold=rrand_i(3,5) play:C5,sustain:hold,release:1.5