Crazy Librarian's Interesting Prime Permutation Index Number Generator

Haskell, 166 161 bytes

p n=mod(product[1..n-1]^2)n>0
n#c=[h++c:t|i<-[0..length n],(h,t)<-[splitAt i n]]
[y]%i|q y= -1|1<2=0
(y:z)%i|q y=i|1<2=z%(i+1)
f n=((n#)=<<['1'..'9'])%1 

Usage examples: f "8" -> 6, f "14"-> -1, f "20"-> 0.

How it works: p is the primality test (stolen from @Mauris' answer in a different challenge). q a wrapper for p to convert types from strings to integer. n # c inserts c at every position in n. % takes a list of numbers and an index i. When the first element of the list is prime, return i, else recure with the tail of the list and i+1. Stop when there's a single element left and return -1 if it's prime and 0 otherwise.