Cannot find declaration to go to in PHP Storm on ubuntu

I had to delete the .PhpStorm20* folder in my home directory, starting with a completely new config. Maybe it's better this way after two years of dragging the same config along, across several versions of PhpStorm.

Nothing worked for me, here is how i solved it : Just restore Settings

File > Manage IDE Settings > Restore Default Settings

Uninstalling your IDE won't help, restoring settigns is the best way to solve the problem

My problem was that my whole vendor folder had somehow gotten ignored.

To check and fix, navigate to "File > Settings > Project Settings > Directories" and make sure that "vendor" is not excluded.


Please try to enable Laravel plugin:

Settings (Preferences) | Other Settings | Laravel Plugin | Enable Plugin for this Project

enter image description here

Or here:

Languages & Frameworks | Php | Laravel| Enable Plugin for this Project

enter image description here

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