Cannot overlay, because ListPlot does not draw same X range despite the same PlotRange
{curveData, lineData} = Import["", "RawJSON"];
curvePlot = ListPlot[
, PlotRange -> {{200, 600}, All}
, AxesOrigin -> {200, 0}
, Frame -> {True, True, True, False}
linePlot = ListPlot[
lineData.DiagonalMatrix[{1, 40000}]
, PlotRange -> {{200, 600}, All}
, PlotStyle -> {PointSize[0]}
, AxesOrigin -> {200, 0}
, Frame -> {False, False, False, True}
, Filling -> Axis
, FillingStyle -> {Thickness[Tiny]}
Show[curvePlot, linePlot]
Here's a way to combine the plots and keep the frame scales that seem intended by the OP. It would have been easier if Charting`ScaledTicks[{curveScale, curveScaleInv}]
didn't insist that log-spaced major ticks were the way to go. One can use Charting`ScaledTicks
in place of myScaledTicks
in many cases.
{curveData, lineData} = Import["", "RawJSON"];
(* creates scaling functions
* to scale data to canonical {0,1} interval and back *)
scalingFunctions[data_] :=
Function /@ ({Rescale[#, #2, #3], Rescale[#, #3, #2]} &[#, MinMax@data, {0, 1}]);
{curveScale, curveScaleInv} = scalingFunctions[curveData[[All, 2]]];
{lineScale, lineScaleInv} = scalingFunctions[lineData[[All, 2]]];
(* creates ticks corresponding to scaling functions *)
myScaledTicks[{sf_, isf_}][min_, max_, n_: {6, 6}] :=
Module[{major, minor},
{major, minor} = FindDivisions[isf@{min, max}, n] /. x_Rational :> N[x];
minor = Complement[Join @@ minor, major];
major = {
sf[#], #,
{0.01, 0.},
} & /@ major;
minor = {
sf[#], Spacer[{0, 0}],
{0.005, 0.},
} & /@ minor;
Join[major, minor]
Plot of OP's data:
curvePlot = ListPlot[curveData, PlotRange -> {{200, 600}, All},
AxesOrigin -> {200, 0}, Frame -> True,
ScalingFunctions -> {curveScale, curveScaleInv}],
linePlot = ListPlot[lineData,
PlotRange -> {{200, 600}, All}, PlotStyle -> {PointSize[0]},
AxesOrigin -> {200, 0}, Filling -> Axis,
FillingStyle -> {Thickness[Tiny]},
ScalingFunctions -> {lineScale, lineScaleInv}],
FrameTicks -> {
{myScaledTicks[{curveScale, curveScaleInv}],
myScaledTicks[{lineScale, lineScaleInv}]},
{Automatic, Automatic}},
FrameLabel -> {{"curve (units?)", "line (units?)"}, {"x (units?)", None}}
Show[{curvePlot, linePlot}]
As you can see the scaling of your data should be adapted!