Cayley's Matrix Notation

My proposal:



  \vtop to \cayleyheight{\hbox{\vphantom{$\between$}}\leaders\vrule\vfill}%
  \vtop to \cayleyheight{\hbox{\vphantom{$\between$}}\leaders\vrule\vfill}%



\[ % page 17
a   & b   & c \\
a'  & b'  & c' \\
a'' & b'' & c''
\by x,y,z)

\[ % page 32
(\begin{cayleymatrix}{2} a & c \\ b & d \end{cayleymatrix} \by
\begin{cayleymatrix}{2} a & b \\ c & d \end{cayleymatrix} \by
\begin{cayleymatrix}{2} a & c \\ b & d \end{cayleymatrix} \by
\begin{cayleymatrix}{2} a & b \\ c & d \end{cayleymatrix} )
  (\begin{cayleymatrix}{2} a & c \\ b & d \end{cayleymatrix}\by
  \begin{cayleymatrix}{2} a & b \\ c & d \end{cayleymatrix})


enter image description here

Extending Bernard's idea slightly:

enter image description here

...but not quite up to the standards of egreg's nice solution:)



       &a  & b  & c  &\\
       &a' & b' & c' &\\
       &a''& b''& c''&\\
       &a  & b  & c  & d  &\\
       &a' & b' & c' & d' &\\
       &a''& b''& c''& d''&\\


A TikZ proposal. Similarly to Andrew's nice answer you can focus on typing the matrix.

\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(mat-\number\value{CM}-1-1.base),inner sep=2pt,#1]
  \matrix[matrix of math nodes,ampersand replacement=\&] (mat-\number\value{CM})
 { #2
 \draw[semithick] (mat-\number\value{CM}.south west) -- (mat-\number\value{CM}.south west|-mat-\number\value{CM}-1-1.south) to[out=135,in=-135]
 (mat-\number\value{CM}.south west|-mat-\number\value{CM}-1-1.north)
 (mat-\number\value{CM}.south east) -- (mat-\number\value{CM}.south east|-mat-\number\value{CM}-1-1.south) to[out=45,in=-45]
 (mat-\number\value{CM}.south east|-mat-\number\value{CM}-1-1.north) ;}{
 \draw[semithick] (mat-\number\value{CM}.south west|-mat-\number\value{CM}-1-1.south) to[out=135,in=-135]
 (mat-\number\value{CM}.south west|-mat-\number\value{CM}-1-1.north)
 (mat-\number\value{CM}.south east|-mat-\number\value{CM}-1-1.south) to[out=45,in=-45]
 (mat-\number\value{CM}.south east|-mat-\number\value{CM}-1-1.north) ;
X   \&Y   \& Z \\
a   \&b   \& c \\
  a'  \&b' \& c' \\
  a'' \& b'' \& c'' \\
x   \&y   \& z \\

enter image description here


Math Mode