How to create a command for the "strange m" symbol in latex?

Do it yourself joining m and \eta with \clipbox:


\newcommand{\emeta}{\clipbox{0em -1ex .3em -1ex}{$m$}\clipbox{.3em -1ex 0em -1ex}{$\eta$}}

enter image description here

The Miama Nueva font is on CTAN and distributed with TeX Live.




As discussed under this thread, you can always build your own.

\def\mpath{(0,1ex) to[out=0,in=70] (0.2em,0) to[out=70,in=180]
(0.4em,1ex) to[out=0,in=70] (0.6em,0) to[out=70,in=180]
(0.8em,1ex)  to[out=0,in=70] (1em,0) to[out=-110,in=-90,looseness=2.5] 
\tikz[baseline=0ex]{\draw[line width={(1+0.33*\tmp)*0.06em}] \mpath;}
\tikz[baseline=0ex]{\draw[line width={(1+0.33*\tmp)*0.06em}] \mpath;}
\tikz[baseline=0ex]{\draw[line width={(1+0.33*\tmp)*0.045em},scale=0.75]
\tikz[baseline=0ex]{\draw[line width={(1+0.33*\tmp)*0.035em},scale=0.6]


$A\freakym B_{C\freakym D}$ {\Large $A\freakym B_{C\freakym D}$}

\boldmath$A\freakym B_{C\freakym D}$ {\Large $A\freakym B_{C\freakym D}$}

enter image description here

Just for fun a version strongly inspired by CarLaTeX. I will be happy to remove this part of my answer if she adds something along these lines to her nice answer.

\clip(-0.4em,0) rectangle (0.15em,1.8ex); 
\node[anchor=south,inner sep=0pt](m){$m$};
\clip(0,-0.6ex) rectangle (0.4em,1.8ex); 
\node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0pt](m) at(-0.2725em-\tmp*0.075em,-0.4ex) {$\eta$};
\clippym\footnote{Full credit for $\clippym$ goes to CarLaTeX.}

{\Large \clippym}


{\Large $\boldsymbol{\clippym}$}


enter image description here

enter image description here

